Quiet professional guy seeking a little extra fun here and there. I have been brought up the correct way with manners. A woman or couple that handles they business and in need of a female for El Paso couples some adult fun ! I woke up one morning and realized how tired I actually was, and that I only had enough fight left in me to pursue my happiness.
Be nice with your comments or messages to me. Horny island girls.
I also El Paso couples like dancing and of course listening to music.I am not used to judging people superficially, and I think that in order to live a pleasant life you have care for your body(also I'm thinking of joining a gym, start boxing, or one of those sexy pole classes) good sense of humor I love being sarcastic, a smartypants, I think dirty jokes are the best (particularly "that's what she/he said)but understands the difference between poking fun and being mean spirited (I don't like the latter).